

Since it was discovered in the late 18th century, molybdenum has come to be used in numerous industrial products. Molybdenum is tough, durable and enhances steel in harsh environments where heat, pressure and corrosion are present. Due to its low toxicity, molybdenum is also a catalyst in energy production

Molybdenum: The in-demand safe and strong metal

The world’s demand for molybdenum continues to rise, with the International Molybdenum Association estimating that the world will need an additional 200 million pounds annually over the next decade.  The CuMo Project is positioned perfectly to lead the nation in closing the gap between the supply and demand necessary to meet current infrastructure improvement plans. CuMo has the potential to produce 70 million pounds of molybdenum per year for decades, while providing thousands of well-paying jobs.

Molybdenum concentrate, or sulfide, is usually roasted and converted to an oxide. The oxide, known as Technical Molybdic Oxide, is a corrosion-resistant, steel super-alloy that is used in pipelines, off-shore drilling, aerospace manufacturing, ship building and tar sands. The use of such Advanced High Strength Steel (AHSS) increases safety and efficiency in construction, while acting as a catalyst, reducing sulfur content in diesel, and boosting crop yields by as much as 30%.

increases safety and efficiency
acts as a catalyst
reduces sulfur content in diesel
boosts crop yields